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Waiver of Liability
By accepting face masks or other PPE produced or manufactured through volunteers, referred to subsequently as the “device(s)”, recipient acknowledges and agrees that Santa Fe Community College, Santa Fe Higher Education Center, its partners and assigns, subsequently referred to as the “provider” is not assuming any responsibility for any aspect of recipient’s use of the item or accompanying protocols during the emergency situation arising from the Coronavirus.
In addition, recipient acknowledges and agrees that provider has not and will not be providing any medical advice regarding the use of the protocol or the device. Recipient acknowledges that the protocol and items, including PPE’s, have not been reviewed, approved or cleared by the FDA as medical devices or treatments. In consideration for procuring the device and any protocols, recipient hereby releases provider from all actions, causes of actions, damages, claims or demands which recipient may have against any organization or individual for any and all personal injuries or damage to any property or disruption of any business, known or unknown, which recipient has or may incur by use of the device or any protocols, whether for Coronavirus emergency or any other uses.
Recipient should review and analyze the device and any protocols for its own specific emergency use purposes and make its own determination as to whether and when deployment of this device and protocols may be necessary.
Waiver of Liability
By accepting face masks or other PPE produced or manufactured through volunteers, referred to subsequently as the “device(s)”, recipient acknowledges and agrees that Santa Fe Community College, Santa Fe Higher Education Center, its partners and assigns, subsequently referred to as the “provider” is not assuming any responsibility for any aspect of recipient’s use of the item or accompanying protocols during the emergency situation arising from the Coronavirus.
In addition, recipient acknowledges and agrees that provider has not and will not be providing any medical advice regarding the use of the protocol or the device. Recipient acknowledges that the protocol and items, including PPE’s, have not been reviewed, approved or cleared by the FDA as medical devices or treatments. In consideration for procuring the device and any protocols, recipient hereby releases provider from all actions, causes of actions, damages, claims or demands which recipient may have against any organization or individual for any and all personal injuries or damage to any property or disruption of any business, known or unknown, which recipient has or may incur by use of the device or any protocols, whether for Coronavirus emergency or any other uses.
Recipient should review and analyze the device and any protocols for its own specific emergency use purposes and make its own determination as to whether and when deployment of this device and protocols may be necessary.
Check here to show you accept the terms stated above for yourself or for a minor Volunteer for which you are the parental guardian.